Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Google Docs - Email - Contact Sharing

For many years our business has used Microsoft Office - Outlook, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.  One of the big issues we were trying to resolve was, how to share our Contacts.  As with most businesses having one Contact database that can be shared is essential.  In addition, our Outlook files had become large, cumbersome, and difficult to maintain.  I had a Gmail account but only used it whenever I traveled.

In order to solve these issues, I decided to move all of my Email to the cloud, Gmail.  In addition, we also decided to move all of our contacts to Gmail as well.  We set up a corporate Gmail account where we could also share our contacts.  This resolved several issues: Contact sharing, the ability to access our Email from anywhere, and the comfort to know that our Email was being backed up.  These are very large issues many companies face today.

Since the moving of our shared contacts and Email to the cloud was so successful, we decided to move our shared documents to Google Docs.  I was amazed at how easily we were able to make this transition.  The biggest benefit was how we could collaborate and share documents.  Several people can now access the same documents and if allowed, they can modify them as well.  There is ample security to limit changes when appropriate.

Our objective is to move more and more information off of our desktop computers to sites like Gmail and Google Docs.  This now allows us to access all of our business Email, Documents, and Spreadsheets - from anywhere we have an Internet connection.  We also have peace of mind knowing that it is being properly backed up on a daily basis.  You certainly can't beat the cost of these services, since they are Free!  After all, what do you have to lose?

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